DOSM’s New Portal and Economic Census Portal 2023

YBhg. Dato’ Sri Dr. Mohd Uzir Mahidin, Malaysia’s Chief Statistician, unveiled (i) DOSM’s New Portal & Mobile Application; and (ii) Economic Census Portal.

DOSM’s New Portal & Mobile Application was developed in line with DOSM’s continuous  modernisation and innovation efforts aimed at providing effective statistical services that  have added value in contributing to government services. It is equipped with a modern  platform based on portal features that use the latest technology, modern design and layout,

minimalistic and neat, bilingual ie the use of Bahasa Melayu and English (default), fully  responsive, prioritise user experience (user centric), supporting all the content required by  the user, can be easily expanded, various latest functions; and support the needs of DOSM  content & functions such as stats release, student corner, ergonomic and user-friendly  layout.

YBhg. Dato’ Sri Dr. Mohd Uzir Mahidin, Malaysia’s Chief Statistician, stated, “This edition  of DOSM’s New Portal & Mobile Application introduces key features such as Fun with  Statistics, Chat Bot, Tableau Integration, Table Builder, Social Media Sharing, Multi

User CMS, Content Analytics, and Data Mining. It also provides additional service  innovation with mobile application features developed using Google Flutter technology and  a simple and user-friendly platform meeting all user needs with mobile apps on Applestore  and Playstore.”

Dato’ Sri Dr Mohd Uzir Mahidin also informed, “DOSM for the first time launch Economic  Census Portal, which main objective is to be a platform for delivering information and  statistics related to the 2023 Economic Census. This portal provides an easy-to-navigate  interface and has various content and links. The portal is a common gateway with a one

stop centre concept to make it easier for users, especially census respondents, to get all  the information related to the implementation of the 2023 Economic Census. Among the  contents of this portal are general information about the 2023 Economic Census, frequently  asked questions (FAQ), questionnaires, a guide to completing the questionnaire, the  previous publications of the Economic Census, and links to online questionnaires (e-Be).  Through this portal, users can also access an economic data dashboard (MyEase) that  covers economic series data starting from the year 2005. In addition, this portal also  displays progress reports on the implementation of the census as well as the latest news  and media coverage related to the economic census.”

Meanwhile, the current portal and the New Portal & DOSM Mobile Application are  compared by upgrading the portal display, which includes the landing page, main page,  directory, stats release theme, gallery (newsletter), and upgrading the CMS function and  display, which includes login, modules content management, and various new functions  such as Table Builder, Student Corner, Fun With Statistics, Forum, and Industry Training  module.

Thus, efforts to upgrade DOSM’s New Portal & Mobile Application and Economic  Census Portal were develop and in response to current needs and to fuel the  dissemination of information for the reference of various levels of users, including  policymakers, businessmen, researchers, youth, students, journalists, data scientists, and  the general public.

For more information,

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The Department of Statistics Malaysia (DOSM) is conducting the Economic Census in  2023. DOSM greatly appreciates the cooperation of respondents to provide information  and in ensuring the success of this census. Please visit for more  information.

DOSM has launched OpenDOSM NextGen as a medium that provides a catalogue of data  and visualisation to facilitate users in analysing various data. OpenDOSM NextGen is an  open source data sharing platform and accessible through portal.

Please be informed that the Government of Malaysia has declared National Statistics Day  (MyStats Day) on October 20 each year. MyStats Day theme is “Connecting the World with  Data We Can Trust”.

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